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How does culture influence people's feelings? To investigate this question, our lab uses a variety of methods (e.g., survey, neuroimaging, experimental) to compare people's affect --- emotions, moods, and other feeling states --- within and across cultures.
- Learn about how culture influences brain response to smiles, and its link to real-world friendships.
- Learn about how valuing high arousal negative states can increase negative responses to cultural outgroups.
- Learn about how culture shapes what affect people produce and are influenced by on social media.
- Learn about how ideal affect may explain why passion matters more in individualistic cultures.
- Learn about how culture and ideal affect shape how we communicate.
- Listen to Professor Tsai explain how culture influences the emotions we value and ideally want to feel.
- Read the latest about how culture and ideal affect predict your likelihood of getting a loan.
- Read the latest about how culture and ideal affect predict whom we hire.
- Read the latest about how culture and ideal affect predict whom we view as warm and friendly.
- Read the latest about how culture and ideal affect shape how we view our own aging.
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