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Media Archive
- Emotional Fit Between Patient and Doctor
- BYU Radio, with Tamara Sims
- Sympathy
- BYU Radio, with Birgit Koopmann-Holm
- What can bereavement cards tell us about cultural differences in the expression of sympathy?
- The British Psychological Society Research Digest
- Real to Reel Research: Exploring Culture & Emotions
- with Jeanne Tsai
- How Are Emotions Culturally Shaped?
- with Jeanne Tsai
- Ideal Affect and Health-Related Decision-Making
- with Tamara Sims & Jeanne Tsai
- Culture and Emotion: A Brief Introduction
- TRBQ, with Jeanne Tsai
- The Science of Love
- Shambhala Sun
- Joy to the World
- Stanford Alumni Magazine